Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Final Paper Topics

Choose ONE of the following topics to write your final essay on

1- William Gass wrote an essay about Invisible Cites (posted on Sharepoint). Read the essay, then refute his thesis using text from the novel and Dante's Inferno.

2- Compare Waking Life to any two cities from Invisible Cities. You must include two screen shots that you closely analyse in terms of compostion. You should not simply compare them, but form an original thesis about these two works.

3- Apply Thomas Kuhn's theory of paradigm to Invisible Cities.

As stated in class several times, the paper must be between four and five pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 font. See rubric on Standard Score.

For any further questions e-mail me at jtangen@cng.edu.

Your essays must be in print in N7 no later than 9:30 am tomorrow. I look forward to reading them.