Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Welcome to Exploring the Boundaries

Before we begin reading, I'd like you all to establish blogs here. Make sure to include your full name. You can choose whatever design and title you like; however, it should relate to the class. Don't worry if you're not too sure. You can always change it. When you've created your blog, leave a comment here.

In our second class you'll be tested on having read Dante's Inferno. Likewise, your Inferno dioramas will be due that day. I'll be talking about that at greater length in class today.

Next week, I'll go through the syllabus with all of you and answer any questions.


Eugenia Camargo said...

my blog is http://searchtheliteraryutopia.blogspot.com/
:) I hope you like it I will work more on the editing later...
Eugenia Camargo grade 10th period 5

Francisco Serna said...

Here is my Blog

Mateo Wiesner said...

This is my blog

Diego Rodriguez said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Diego Rodriguez said...

This is my blog

Unknown said...

Hello Mr. Tagen,
this is my blog.


Thank you

CristinaSerrano said...

Cristina Serrano's blog

Gabriela Aldana said...

Hi Mr. Tangen, here is my blog :)

Emiliana Pacheco said...
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Manuela Lizarralde Puerto said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yvette said...

Hi Mr. Tangen, this is the link to my blog



Manuel Andres said...

hey sir this is my website

Daniel Camacho Melo said...

hey mr. my blog is
title is after life
period 4

SaraRiascos said...

mr this is my blog :)

Barbara Rodriguez Zuloaga said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Andrea de la Torre said...

Mr.Tangen, here is my blog!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Tangen,
this is my blog :)

Alberto Andrade said...

Here is my blog.

Emilia Pulido said...

Hello Mr. Tangen. Here is my blog. I hope you enjoy it :)

Isabella Potes said...

Hi Mr. Tangen, this is my blog.

Roberto Posada Panero said...

This is my blog Mr Tangen


Benjamin Sanchez said...

Mr. Tangen here's my Blog:

Felipe Velasquez said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Tangen
Here is my blog

Christopher Pertsch said...

This is my blog

Mariana Marquez said...

This is my blog.

Andrea Copello said...

Hi Mr. Tangen, this is the link to my blog.

Alejandra Trias said...

here is my blog: http://alejandra-trias.blogspot.com/

Cristina Escallon said...

Hi Mr.Tangen this is the link to my blog http://www.cristinaescallon.blogspot.com/


Alejandro Linares said...

This is my blog.

Lina Merizalde said...

Hi Mr. Tangen, this is my blog: http://linamerizalde.blogspot.com/

Viviana Correa said...

This is my blog

Ana Maria Villaveces said...

Here is my Blog!!

Matilde Acevedo said...

Hey Mr! Here's my blog.

Alejandra Trias said...

For some reason my first blog disapeared so I had to create a new one. The new link is :http://alejandratrias.blogspot.com/2011/08/poetic-justice.html

Jessica Suarez said...

Hi Mr. Tangen,
Here is my blog :)

Camila Palacios said...

My Blog


Juliana Perez said...

Hi Mr. Tangen

This is my blog


pedro said...

Here is my blog

Daniel Camacho Melo said...

Hey Mr, I forgot my password therefore I created a new blog, here is the adress
thankyou for your understanding

Gabriela Buraglia said...

Hi Mr. Tangen,
Last time I forgot to leave my blog address so here it is; http://exploring-literature.blogspot.com/
Thank you

Daniel Camacho Melo said...

Hye Mr.... Im really sorry but I gave you my adress wrong.... its danielcamachoenglishfinal.blogspot.com
wont happen again

Manuela Lizarralde Puerto said...

Sir I dont know what happened but for some reason my blog erased. This is my new link!

Pedro Michelsen Echavarria said...

Mr. i think i had posted my adress wrong my blog is http://the16yearoldblogger.blogspot.com/

B said...

Here is my new blog! please ignore the other one!!

Estefania Szapiro said...

Hi this is my blog:

Estefania Szapiro said...

This is my blog:


Jeronimo Sudarsky said...

This is my blog Mr.

Pedro Michelsen Echavarria said...

Mr.Tangen here is my blog.

Daniel said...

Hey Sir, here is my NewEST blog.. Again, I forgot my password, therefore I had to create a new blog. My blog is:
Daniel Camacho Period 8

Jorge.Andres.Rincon. said...

Here is my blog Mr.Tangen the url is http://firsthalfofwhatsoonwillcome.blogspot.com/ Jorge Andres Rincon 10th grade period 6.

Sophie Echeverry said...

Hi Sir,
This is my blog :)

Daniel Solano said...

Mr. Tangen:
Here is my blog

Andressa Quadros said...

Here is my blog

Connor McGowan said...

Here is my blog.

Luna Yamashita said...

Mr. Tangen,
This is my blog

Valentina Mogollon said...

Here is my blog

eduardo ceron said...

Here is my blog

Mariana Villa said...


DanielaCaro said...

Hi Mr. Tangen,
This is my blog: http://englishdanielac.blogspot.com/
Thank you,
Daniela Caro period 6

Camilo Villa said...

My blog:

Valentina Mogollon said...

Hi Mr.
I had to create a new blog so the new one is:

Nanda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nanda said...

Hey Mr. Tangen,

My blog is:


I hope it works!

Nanda E

Emiliana Pacheco said...


Alfredo Taboada said...

Mr. Tangent, this is the link to my blog.

Juan Pablo Archila said...

This is my blog

antonio laborde said...

This is my blog, haven't been able to postt it here succesfully.

Andressa Quadros said...

This is my blog,

Felipe Velasquez said...

this is my blog