Monday, August 24, 2009

This Week's Assignments

Watch this episode of The Twilight Zone:
Is this poetic justice? Discuss your response in a blog entry.

Writer a poem about your utopia in terza rima.

Complete your first draft of the persuasive speech for next Wednesday.

If you were to continue reading The Divine Comedy, what do you think would happen? Why? What would that mean for the rest of humanity? Be sure to read Dante the speaker's narration carefully for clues as to how he might have changed.


Daniel Paredes said...

Mr. Tangen and class,

After unsuccessfully trying to watch the episode through the links that were posted, I managed to find two link in which you may watch the episode outside of the US. Here are two links for whoever needs it:

Andres Felipe Reina Restrepo said...

Why, thank you Daniel! Very kind and thoughtful of you to do this.

Annamaria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Daniel Paredes said...

You're welcome, Andres. Here's another link that might work:

Daniel Paredes said...

you're welcome annamaria

Daniel OrdoƱez said...

Daniel thank you very much,you have saved the twilight zone

Ilan Pinski Farji said...

I also found a link where you can view MANY Twilight Zone chapters.

Anonymous said...

pheww... thanks!

Annamaria said...

Unfourtunately, none of the links worked for me. Thanks anyways =)